Monday, January 21, 2008

Grey, foggy, cold, and drizzley

Doesn't that just make you want to go outside? Not me.

Had to take my laptop into best buy again today. If the problem is hardware related then I'll get a new computer. I'm crossing my fingers. The darn thing has already had a hard drive and two mother boards replaced. The guy was like "wow, they spent a lot of money trying to fix this thing. They should have just replaced it, would have been cheeper." I totally agree.

Tye was looking much better today. Almost back to normal. I think I'll hand walk her again tomorrow then try riding on Wednesday. Most of the swelling is gone and her legs looks mostly normal now. There's a little swelling left on the outside of her hock and up in her groin area. But nothing like it was a few days ago.

I'm getting a little further through my homework. I feel totally unmotivated. It's actually pretty sad. I'm not really someone who likes to sit around and do nothing, but that's mostly what I've been doing this weekend.

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