Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Stressed meets Cranky

PMS is a bitch, literally.

Tye seems to be cycling, and go figure that we're totally in sync. lol. So I didn't ride today. I felt it was better to avoid the inevitable fight that would ensue. Neither of us needs more stress in our lives.

School is like a mad rat race. I don't know when I got so far behind, considering I've only been in school for 4 weeks, but I'm having a hard time catching up. Partly due to motivation, partly to the fact that I don't have enough hours in the day to get everything done that needs to be done. I have a molecular genetics quiz tomorrow that I feel relatively prepared for. I have a vert midterm on friday that I don't feel prepared for at all. Then there's the thesis, abstract, and annotative bibliography due on friday for biochem. Which I haven't even started. And then molecular genetics midterm next thursday, and finally, biochem midterm next friday.
I think I'm going to go insane.
But I'm sure I'll just spend the weekend getting caught up for the stuff that isn't this week...

SSU Equestrian Club had our second meeting today. It was productive as usual.

I've been cranky lately. Don't really know why. Probably just stress and PMS.... lol.

Alright, enough wasted time. Back to the salt mines, as Randy would say.

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