Monday, February 11, 2008

Shoes and Other News

So I totally messed up and let Tye's feet go to long. She was at 8 weeks instead of 6. Poor thing was all uncoordinated. She just feel icky when her feet are too long. Now that she has new shoes and a nice trim, she's her usual wonderful self again. She's moving very nicely. She's soft in my hands and quiet with her face at the lope. We've been doing a lot of loping. Her walk and jog have no issues, but consistency on a loose rein still eludes us. Eventually we'll both get on the same page and get it right. But until then we just keep working on it. I think I'm finally learning to let go and be a minimalist. "Don't fix what ain't broken." I learning to leave her alone at the lope and give her rein and not snatch at her face all the time when I want to school her. It makes her happy and lets me focus more on keeping her straight underneath me.
In other news, SSU is starting an Equestrian Club. Hopefully we'll have an Equestrian team next semester and be able to compete with other schools. I'm super excited about it! I always like to spend time around other horse people.

1 comment:

Jessica Boyd said...

Hi, Janice and Tye!

I had such a good lesson today, and one of the things Peter coached me on was *not* grabbing Bar's face when it's not warranted. Hard with him, though.

This week has been hard!! But I've learned a TON.

Horses can be a really humbling experience. Sigh.